Sunday, May 25, 2014

Do Your Work Well and Don’t Compare

The thought if I ever do a good like with things I am passionate about has always hit my mind. Say for example, I was browsing through the web and saw this artist did such marvellous job. Looking into his or her profile, I found out that he/she was the same age as I do.

I went all envious and also dive into self pitying. Not a feeling or attitude to have. Attitude and feelings like this will eventually eat you up. And so I learn. Rick Warren shared in today's lesson today. And according to his sharing, there are TWO reasons why you should not compare :-

1. There is always someone better than you. And with this you are likely to be discouraged.
2. There is always someone who is not as good as you. And the result is that you will end up being prideful.

In life, I learned that being the best of what you do is a good thing. But, always remember, the gift or gifts we have does not belong to us. It belongs to Him and we, as His children, we are to glorify Him with our gift(s).

Honour him by returning the gift(s) we have by blessing others who need our help.

“Do your own work well, and then you will have something to be proud of.
But don’t compare yourself with others.”
(Galatians 6:4 CEV)

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